The PARTNERS Service will be tested in four areas: Birmingham and Solihull, Plymouth, Cornwall and East Lancashire.
We are recruiting 56 GP practices and 336 research participants across these areas. The research trial will be starting Spring 2018. Each research participant will be involved for up to 12 months.
Our PARTNERS2 research is using a method known as a randomised controlled trial (or RCT) to test if the new service is better than the usual care people receive.
In the PARTNERS2 research study, each GP surgery who signs up to the trial will be randomly allocated to one of two groups.
- GP practices in Group 1 will deliver the PARTNERS Service and research participants registered there will see our specially trained mental health professional called a Care Partner. Participants will meet with the research team to complete questionnaires.
- GP practices in Group 2 will continue to provide participants with care as normal. Participants will meet with the research team to complete questionnaires.
We really value the time and effort of all our research participants who take part. Participants will meet with the research team on two occasions to complete questionnaires and will be given a £10 shopping voucher as a thank you gesture. It is important to emphasise that people taking part are free to withdraw from the project at any time and we will ensure any information they provide us is kept safe and secure.
Click here to go to 'What will taking part involve?'