Hameed, a LEAP member, talking about the questionnaires we will be using to find out if the PARTNERS Service works
During the trial, we will be collecting information about your daily life, well-being, mental and physical health.
This will be through questionnaires and interviews. Everyone who takes part in the trial will do these twice, at the start and the end of the trial.
We have tested these with volunteers from Lived Experience Advisory Panels (LEAP), and have received good feedback. Many have said they have found the questionnaires useful, interesting, and enjoyable to complete!
We will also have access to some other information, such as your medical notes. The contents of these will not be used any differently to the way your GP or nurse would.
All personal information will be kept private and confidential, and all information collected will be kept anonymous. This means nobody will be able to identify you from what we collect, and you will never be named in anything which we produce from the study.
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