On this page you can follow links to pages about our research study, and information about what will happen if you decide to participate in our PARTNERS2 research trial.
Mary, a LEAP member, talking about why it is important to take part in research projects like PARTNERS2
Why do we need research into the PARTNERS Service?
In previous studies, we have found that people with ongoing mental health needs often have poorer health than the general public. We want to change that.
Why every person involved is important
Every person who takes part in our research is valued and important to us. We need over 300 people to join the study as a research participant and each and every one is vital to making the project a success.
About the Trial
The trial is taking place in four NHS Trusts across the country. These are Birmingham and Solihull, Plymouth and Cornwall, and East Lancashire.
What will taking part involve?
We have tried to make participation as simple and easy as possible. There are a few things you will need to know about taking part.
What information will we need?
During the trial, we will be asking participants to complete questionnaires and some people will be asked to volunteer to take part in an additional interview.
Trial Timeline
We have created a simple timeline so you can see what is happening and when throughout the duration of our study.
This research has been funded by the National Institute of Health Research and is sponsored by the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.